When the Howard family asked me to take family pictures for them in celebration of their daughter's graduation from Howard University I couldn't say "yes" fast enough! This sweet family holds a special place in my heart. Not only do we go to the same church here in Charlotte, but they were some of the first people I met after moving to the city on my own. Funny how 5 years fly by!

When the Howard family showed up to their photoshoot with the matching shirts I couldn't help but die of cuteness! Father, mother and daughter are all Howard University alumni and each of their shirts included the college they majored in and the year they graduated. Seriously, how cute! I also love that their last name is already Howard. Couldn't be more perfect.

For their session, I decided to use the iconic Romare Bearden Park in uptown and the location did not disappoint. Sure we had to navigate around all the tourist and weekend jokers, but it was worth it. We even found some lavender bushes that I couldn't help but convince their daughter to take pictures in front of. Overall, it was a magical afternoon and they had a blast being silly with me (per usual).