If you know my grandparents, then you know they love to garden! And I don't mean a small garden. I mean endless amounts of fresh veggies, fruit, and flowers better than anything you can buy at the grocery store. Almost summer day you can find them outside tending to their garden and collecting their harvest to share with others. Their ability to nurture the earth is honestly so beautiful!

I can still remember vividly growing and helping them pick green beans, raspberries and apples straight out of the garden to can or bake into delicious treats. It's my prayer one day that I'll have the ability to do the same thing for my children and grandchildren. I guess you could say my life goal is to become a grandmother and I have not shame in that.

I recently had the pleasure of visiting my hometown in Michigan for a friend's wedding and while I was there I spent some much-needed time with my grandparents. As expected, the first thing they wanted to show me was their massive garden and I was happy to learn all about the different plant varieties they had planted. While we were walking around the garden I asked if I could take some pictures of them with their handiwork and they happily agreed. Not only did they let me take some cute portraits of them together, but they even got a little silly and played in the corn.

I love my grandparents beyond words can express and I will hold these pictures near and dear to my heart forever! I'm a big believer in capturing people as their authentic selves and nothing is more authentic for my grandparents than being in their garden. Love you gma and gpa!